anger (v.) c.1200, from O.N. angra "to grieve, vex;" the noun is mid-13c., from O.N. angr "distress, grief, affliction," from P.Gmc. *angus (cf. O.E. enge "narrow, painful," M.Du. enghe, Goth. aggwus "narrow"), from PIE base *angh- "stretch round, tight, painfully constricted, painful" (cf. Skt. amhu- "narrow," amhah "anguish;" Armenian anjuk "narrow;" Lith. ankstas "narrow;" Gk. ankhein "to squeeze," ankhone "a strangling;" L. angere "to throttle, torment;" O.Ir. cum-ang "straitness, want"). In M.E., also of physical pain.
Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:
Forum discussions with the word(s) "ANGER" in the title:
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ANGER: | English definition | in French | in Italian | in Portuguese conjugator | in context | images |

Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:
anger /'æŋgər / || /'æŋgə(r)/ n uncountable
ira f, enojo m (esp AmL), enfado m (esp Esp)
ira f, enojo m (esp AmL), enfado m (esp Esp)
Subscribe to the Oxford Concise or Unabridged dictionary for more translations, meanings and examples.
Diccionario Espasa Concise © 2000 Espasa Calpe:
anger ['æ ɳgəʳ]
I | nombre enfado, ira |
II | verbo transitivo enfadar, enojar |
III | verbo intransitivo enfadarse, enojarse |
anger: WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2009
Compound Forms: | |||||||||
fit of anger | n | (sudden loss of temper) | arranque de ira nm | ||||||
He suffered a head injury which left him prone to fits of anger. | |||||||||
ataque de ira nm | |||||||||
Argentina, fam | ataque de bronca nm | ||||||||
in anger | encolerizado | ||||||||
surge of anger | oleada de ira nf | ||||||||
Report an error |
Forum discussions with the word(s) "ANGER" in the title:
A good anger is better than a good shower because...
about in anger
anger - grammar
anger / piss off / (make) upset / bother / irritate / provoke / inconveniences me
anger = enfado/enojo/ira
Anger and a chill of icy guilt sliced through him
anger at
Anger Busting
Anger Coach
anger management
anger management
anger management classes
Anger problems or ego issues
Anger Reigns
anger was boiling up inside me
article on anger regulation
attenuated anger experience & physiological responding
black mood anger guilt
Blow up in anger
bottled up anger
chicken hearted anger
Dont take it out on me..(anger)
Edge Of Anger
Effects of emotion regulation on anger experience
explosive anger
express anger
feelings of anger
first sliver of anger
flame of anger
about in anger
anger - grammar
anger / piss off / (make) upset / bother / irritate / provoke / inconveniences me
anger = enfado/enojo/ira
Anger and a chill of icy guilt sliced through him
anger at
Anger Busting
Anger Coach
anger management
anger management
anger management classes
Anger problems or ego issues
Anger Reigns
anger was boiling up inside me
article on anger regulation
attenuated anger experience & physiological responding
black mood anger guilt
Blow up in anger
bottled up anger
chicken hearted anger
Dont take it out on me..(anger)
Edge Of Anger
Effects of emotion regulation on anger experience
explosive anger
express anger
feelings of anger
first sliver of anger
flame of anger
'ANGER' also found in these entries:
anger - blaze - boil - clench - fuel - fume - hit out - pent-up - shake - store up - to - vent - work off - abate - annoyance - appease - check - contain - curb - die - display - dissipate - eruption - explosion - fight - flush - incur - keep - melt - mock - overwhelming - piss - possess - rage - rush - splutter - stifle - storm - subside - suppress - surge - unleash
In other languages: French | Italian | Portuguese | German | Russian | Polish | Romanian | Czech | Greek | Turkish | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Arabic
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1 comentario
petalofucsia -
Sentimientos de no querer, con los que se relacionan emociones muy negativas.
Al mismo tiempo se comentaba la inmensidad del "ideal", se discutían las ideas, se hablaba de "idealismo", versus "materialismo".
De la concepción de la vida de una persona. Algo que trata de buscar durante toda su vida. Cuando uno es pequeño no deja de preguntar ¿por qué? ¿por qué? ¿por qué?
A veces dar una respuesta equivocada al niño, puede traer graves consecuencias en su concepción vital, de lo que la vida es y significa....